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Symposium 4:Application of Intelligent Medicine in Critical Care

Recent exponential growth in computing power and portability, the power of artificial intelligence (AI) became available in ICU where data are vast, abundant, and complex. Many research topics in critical care medicine have employed the concept of AI to recognize hidden disease patterns among the extremely heterogeneous and noise clinical datasets. AI models might provide useful solutions in disease detection, phenotyping, and prediction that might alter the course of critical diseases. They may also lead to optimal, individualized treatment strategies when multiple treatments options exist. but our understanding of the power and utility of AI in critical care medicine is still quite limited. In addition, there are many obstacles and pitfalls for AI to overcome before becoming a core component of our daily clinical practice. In this symposium, we seek to introduce the roles of intelligence medicine in the critical care medicine.

Date: Saturday, April 27, 2024 | Time: 08:30-10:00 (GMT+8)