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Conference Key Visual

The key visual design showcases two elements: lungs and DNA. The outline of the lungs is transformed into a Moebius strip, combined with the double helix of DNA.

We combine both to indicate that clinicians, managers, policymakers, front-line workers and implementers, scientists, patients and survivors, advocates, and civil society should work out a sustainable solution together with no boundaries to beat TB and lung-related diseases, to shape a safer world through holistic healthcare.

Conference Logo

The conference logo combines the Earth’s latitude and longitude with Taiwan island, the conference’s host.

The lung-shaped lines symbolize our commitment to raising awareness about lung-related issues and making a meaningful contribution to the global community, aligned with the Union’s mission and vision.

This logo embodies our sincere invitation to attendees who care about lung diseases from the whole world to join APRC 2024 in Taiwan, as we come together to address pressing lung-related concerns on a global scale.