Home / Program / Pre-Conference Workshop / Cryobiopsy & Bronchoscopic thermal vapor ablation

Cryobiopsy & Bronchoscopic thermal vapor ablation

Workshop Details

Date: April 26 2024
Time: 13:40-17:30
Venue: South Lounge, 3F, Taipei International Convention Center
NTD 1,800 (≒USD 60)
Capacity: 50 (including 15 for hands-on experience)

Format of the Workshop

In the initial 2 hours, first speaker will introduce cryobiopsy, especially transbronchial lung cryobiopsy (TBLC); the second speaker will talk about bronchoscopic thermal vapor ablation (BTVA) and the experience in Taiwan. In the following 1hour 40mins, we will arrange hands-on learning about how to manipulate cryobiopsy, argon plasma coagulation (APC) and BTVA.

Learning Objectives

From the lectures and hands-on, we wish our participants could learn the technique of TBLC and the safety issue during the procedure. How to operate the BTVA device and APC correctly is our goal, too.


For undiagnosed interstitial lung disease/diffuse parenchymal lung disease, the role of TBLC to get adequate tissue sample became more important. The first version TBLC guideline has been established by ERS last year. We wish our participants could learn how to perform TBLC, the safety concern of TBLC, and how to select candidates/lesion for TBLC.

Endobronchial management for severe emphysema is a relative new area of intervention. These treatments have been listed in GOLD guideline since GOLD 2017, and GOLD 2023 mentioned more about these treatments. We wish our participants could understand the indications for BTVA, how to perform the procedure well, and the key points while follow-up.

Finally, APC is a good tool for endobronchial lesion ablation and hemostasis. The hands-on course will teach the technique to APC operation.

Tentative Agenda

Time Agenda Speaker Moderator
13:40-14:40 Cryobiopsy Takehiro Izumo / Japanese Red Cross Medical Center Lih-Yu Chang / National Taiwan University Hospital, Hsinchu Branch
14:40-15:40 Bronchoscopic Thermal Vapor Ablation (BTVA): Introduction and Experience Sharing from NTUH HsinChu Branch Lih-Yu Chang / National Taiwan University Hospital, Hsinchu Branch Chih-Yen Tu / China Medical University Hospital
15:40-15:50 Break
15:50-17:30 Hands-on:
– Snare/APC
Takehiro Izumo
Chia-Hung Chen
Lih-Yu Chang
Chih-Yen Tu / China Medical University Hospital